Bitget Portfolio Battle on CryptoRank
We are thrilled to announce that CryptoRank has partnered with Bitget to launch the Bitget Portfolio Battle. The competition will have a total prize pool of $1,500, which will be distributed among the winners and participants in the equivalent of BGB tokens.
This competition is open to all, and there is no limit to the number of registered participants. During the Portfolio Battle, participants will have a chance to showcase their investment skills and compete against others in the cryptocurrency community.
The Bitget Portfolio Battle is divided into two main phases: the registration phase and the active phase of the Battle
1) Registration phase: 23.03.23 14:00 (UTC) – 30.03.23 14:00 (UTC). During this phase, users need to join the Battle page, click Participate, and connect their CryptoRank profile. Once registration is done, users will receive virtual $1,000 and will be able to start collecting tokens in their portfolio;
2) Active phase: 30.03.23 14:00 (UTC) – 06.04.23 14:00 (UTC). In this phase, every registered user should be ready with the Portfolio by the end of the Registration phase. The Bitget Portfolio Battle will be live till the 6th of April at 14:00 (UTC) when the Battle will be closed and the PnL (profit and loss) ratio of every portfolio will be snapshotted.
The total prize pool of $1,500 in BGB tokens is to be distributed in the following way:
- 1st place will receive 250 USD in BGB tokens;
- 2nd place will receive 150 USD in BGB tokens;
- 3rd place will receive 100 USD in BGB tokens;
- In addition, one hundred users besides the top three places will be randomly chosen to share $1,000 in BGB tokens, $10 in BGB tokens per user.
In order to receive your reward in BGB tokens, you need to create an account on Bitget by using the same e-mail address you used on your CryptoRank profile and complete ID Verification. You will receive BGB tokens on your Spot Wallet.
We wish you good luck!
Join the Battle 👉