Legends of Mitra AMA Recap

Legends of Mitra is a multi-chain strategy defense game being built on the Klaytn, Cronos, Algorand, Wax, and Binance Сhain.
On December 28, Kena, Team Lead of Legends of Mitra, joined us to answer our questions.
Kena, Team Lead of Legends of Mitra
Before starting Gem Studios, I started my career as a software developer and entrepreneur in 2010 and have since built successful companies and taken them from just an idea to revenue-generating businesses. I got introduced to the blockchain ecosystem in 2015 and started actively contributing in 2018.
Questions from the CryptoRank team
#1. Can you tell us more about Legends of Mitra? What problems do you solve, both in the space and for the community?
Kena: – Blockchain has been around for a while now and adoption is gradually picking up. We also see many games and Dapps being built, but most of them are very technical to use and completely cut out the average person or the nontechnical person. So we set out to build a game that everyone can play, traditional gameplay with no need for our players to worry about blockchain until it is really necessary. We believe this is the way to help bring blockchain to the masses and that is what we all should be building.
Legends of Mitra is an NFT strategy mobile game where you fight with your heroes to defend your Kingdom MITRA from the evil Horde. The stronger your strategy and defense the more rewards you will earn. All the heroes in the game are NFTs.
#2. Could you briefly describe the milestones Legends of Mitra has achieved, and about your upcoming plans?
Kena: – We set out to complete a number of things this year and I must say we are on top of this, and the team is working around the clock to bring to the market an amazing game with a simple onboarding solution. We have our IDO coming on the 9th and 10th of Jan, 2022. On the 10th of Jan, 2022 we will be launching our staking platform together with our TGE. Then followed by our invite-only beta testing on the 25th of Jan, 2022. The main launch is in May 2022. Between Jan and May, the community should be looking forward to our marketplace launch and a few other surprises
Questions from Twitter
#1. When is the game launch? How to play a demo game? Can we upgrade the character by buying NFTs or tokens? Can you explain the upgrade tiers of characters?
Kena: – The game will officially launch in May 2022 but the invite-only beta will launch on 25th Jan 2022. To get selected for the invite-only beta, you have to either be one of the top 50 on our ongoing airdrop campaign or you keep an eye out for our whitelisting form. Yes, you can upgrade heroes in the game by earning MITA tokens and using them to upgrade your heroes.
#2. To earn from the game by “being in Top 10 on the daily leaderboard”. How to be part of a leaderboard? what are the benefits of a leaderboard? Are there any minimum criteria to be on the leaderboard?
Kena: – Being part of the leaderboard is based on your performance in the game. The more enemies you kill, the more levels you advance, the more daily quest you complete the better your chances of topping the leaderboard.
#3. The audit is important for both trust and security. Have you done any audits of the smart contract?
Kena: – I agree, auditing is very important and yes we have been audited by one of the best companies within the space. Kindly see the audit report from here: https://bit.ly/audit-lom.
Questions from Telegram
#1. I’ve read that I can also earn MITa for the time we spend in LoM and the time we play. How many MITA coins does spending more time in the game earn us? Can we earn passive returns by staking the MITA tokens we earn? What are the advantages of staking with MITA, how will we stake it?
Kena: – Well it is completely based on your gameplay skills. The more and better you perform the more MITA rewards you will earn. Please read more about how we do the calculation from here: https://whitepaper.legendsofmitra.com/play-to-earn.
#2. Many players are more attracted to playing the game on their mobile phones. Are you planning to Lunch the Legends of Mitra on the Google Play Store and App Store?
Kena: – Yes, the game will first be launched onGoogle Play and the IOS store before we consider desktop and web.
#3. What technological innovations did your team members use to design the game? Will new features be added to the game in the future?
Kena: – Aside from blockchain, we are using Node js, React js for our web app and our mobile game is being built with Unity3d. Yes, and we will continue to build and release new features in the game.