The Linea Voyage Guide. Week 1

The Linea Voyage is a journey that a user can undertake to learn about the infinite possibilities of an L2 network.
It consists of a set of weekly challenges and opportunities to explore the Linea ecosystem, and also help engineering team validate and harden the testnet.
To get started better to add test networks to your metamask:
Claim test tokens using this faucets:
- Avalanche faucet
- Polygon faucet
- Goerli, you can also buy GETH
- Linea testnet faucet with all tokens
Complete all steps to get first 96 points.

1. Bridge BNB and BUSD using Celer.

2. Bridge MATIC using Connext.

3. Bridge USDC, DAI, HOP, and GETHusing Hop protocol. Don’t forget to claim this tokens on hop faucet or linea faucet.

4. Bridge EUROEe and TUSD using Multichain.

5. Follow Linea on Twitter and retweet Linea Voyage Bridging Week Announcement.
6. Claim your points here.

You can track the points earned for each task on a live leaderboard.
Linea official docs can also be helpful.