October 27-28, Moscow, Music Media Dome
The 7th largest international forum on blockchain and cryptocurrencies Blockchain Life 2021 takes place in Moscow on October 27-28.
The forum will gather more than 5,000 participants and 80 sponsors. Forum guests include traders, miners, entrepreneurs, investors, developers, and many more.
The hottest topics of the forum are: ways to make money on cryptocurrencies, DeFi development, cryptocurrency regulation in Russia, features of efficient mining, NFT prospects, blockchain implementation into business, government, and many more.
Speakers of the forum include:
– Sergey Khitrov – Founder of the world’s largest listing agency Listing.Help
– Alexey Minaev – Representative of the Ministry of Economic Development
– Tone Vays – One of the world’s best-known traders
– Anatoly Kaplan – Founder of Forklog
A full list of forum speakers is available on the website
A 10% discount on tickets is available for our subscribers by promo code: cryptorank
Buy ticket: https://blockchain-life.com/europe/en/#tickets-row