Cirus AMA Recap

Today we have Daniel as Co-Founder, Michael as Managing Director, David B as Head of Research & Community, and Mike as Head of Marketing of Cirus joining us to answer our questions for the next hour.
Daniel, Co-Founder of Cirus
Together with Michael, Managing Director of Cirus, they have been building technology companies for many years and the Cirus Foundation was born from the realization that big data is broken and that control should lie with the owner of the data, not the corporations that monetize it. Through their entrepreneurial vision, they saw a need that had to be filled and we designed a solution to fill it.
Michael, Managing Director of Cirus
David B, Head of Research & Community of Cirus
Question from the CryptoRank team
#1. Can you tell us about Cirus? What problems do you solve, both in the space and for the community?
Mike: – Absolutely!
At Cirus we believe that data, our largest digital asset, should be owned and controlled by the individual creating it – The People.
Cirus empowers individuals and unlocks data as a form of digital currency, enabling people across the world to freely participate in value generation from their largest digital asset – DATA.
We accomplish this with a two-tiered model: hardware and virtual systems. The CIRUS device replaces a traditional Wi-Fi router and allows the user to collect high quality data from all internet-enabled devices. The Virtual Cirus is a lightweight client, kind of like an extension, enabling node creation to support the network and data collection. Our enterprise go-to-market strategy enables our hardware solution to reach a very large amount of people… more on this later!
Our goal is to bring new users into the digital economy and drive true adoption through their data asset or “found-money” to open more streams of wealth creation for them. This will bridge the adoption gap in crypto and create new avenues into DeFi and wallet applications as we expand!
For the community this means ownership and control! Something the community has been missing for a long time.
#2. Could you shortly describe the milestones Cirus have achieved, and about your upcoming plans?
Michael: – Cirus, along with our Commercial arm have achieved a few notable milestones in stealth.
– Firstly, the device with over 2.5 years of R&D, which contains 47 patents processing is feature complete.
– A testing sandbox with a notable ISP. (to be annoounced)
– Actual users who have opted in to the first version of the device.
– Framework of the blockchain and technical integrations.
– Major enterprise executives who have joined (to be announced 😉
Questions from Twitter
#1. Do you complete or fulfill project such as Ocean Protocol who also work with data privaxy? How can we monetize the data with Cirus’ hardware device?
David B: – Great question! We get asked a lot about Big Data projects like Ocean Protocol.
The main difference between these projects and Cirus is that Ocean Protocol is about BIG Data. Cirus is about YOUR Data. We aim to normalize the idea of people owning their personal data.
They aiming to create commercial data marketplaces / platforms / protocols…..trying to democratize big data and improve access to it. (Which is great!) Cirus is about giving control of your own data to you.
We aim to connect our users with multiple secure avenues/options for monetization. Decentralized data marketplaces like Ocean Protocol may ultimately be a great complement to the traditional monetization avenues (Ad-tech based) planned for initial rollout.
#2. Why is the Ownership Economy Web 3.0 development important to Cirus and why is Cirus data more valuable than data collected by today’s Web 2.0platforms?
Daniel: – The concept that drives the Ownership Economy Web 3.0 is at the very core of the Cirus Foundation thesis. We believe that you own your data and should be paid for your data. There is nothing more central to the ownership economy than being paid for your data.
One of the most exciting aspects of our project from a big data perspective is that we collect data through the Cirus WI-FI router which means we have the richest first party data in big data. On a more technical level this means that we can offer to the data buyers correlated insights from everyone in the home that is on the internet. Further, when we incorporate your IoT devices connected to the router our insights provide even more information that can be monetized.
Mike: – This means more value back to the user!
#3. Can we decide which data we want to monetize and which we want to keep private? Cirus platform offers a Data Key Wallet, who has access to those keys?
Michael: – Yes you can! Users will be able to turn on/off the collection and monetization of different types of data through the configuration app. Only you will have access to these keys stored in the Data key wallet containing these switches (basically in binary format – signifying the data share consent or not on a host of different types of data).
Questions from Telegram
#1. What makes Cirus different from other platform projects? Could you tell us about some of the unusual features and purposes of Cirus tokens that are attracting more investors to Cirus tokens?
Michael: – This is a great question, althought the utility token is not for investment purposes. The token itself is tied to the performance and deployment strategy we have. This means that every device launched in market will require a nominal amount of tokens to authenticate that the device is live to the network. For what we have in store with Major Internet Service providers, this will be a massive uptake in the token and a majority of this may come from open-market purchase from commercial entities! I think you can see a direct correlation with the demand of the token in this regard.
#2. Does your project have a local community for those who don’t understand english?
Mike: – This is surprisingly one of the first times we got this question and I feel it may be very important for others in the group to know as well!
The answer is YES and we’re continuing to build more. Here are the links to our local communities:
Spanish –
Portuguese –
Turkish –
Russian –
Vietnamese –
#3. Can you please tell more about the dNFTs? What kind of data could be stored within those and where they could be available in? Somewhat like OpenSea or Ocean Protocol’s Data Marketplace?
Michael: – Great question here. The dNFT initiative is under way and we can’t reveal too much about the specs for this, although what we can say is that this will be a second generation-type NFT which most can consider “dynamic” this will ultimately create higher value over the span of time for the user as they engage and collect more keys to their wallet. It will open up something very specific in the world of DeFi as well that we haven’t seen as yet! stay tuned.