MXC has burnt the 245,568,421 MX Token Based on Voting Result

The MXC exchange burnt the 245,568,421 MX token hold by MXC ecosystem fund and investor protection fund. The burnt address — link.
Moreover, MXC used the 100% profit from trading fees of January,2020 to buy back MX token from secondary market, and burned them on the last day of January according to the mode and schedule voted by MXC communities since July, 2019.
At the same time, MXC will burn all the MX token that users used to deduct trading fees from November, 2019.
A total of 4,861,595.12 MX token was burnt in March, 2020 — link.
Total supply of MX token after burnt:
The current circulating supply:
193,278,361 MX