UltrAlpha AMA Recap

UltrAlpha Fund is committed to building out a professional investment platform for digital asset management and collaborating with the BitMax.io trading platform to further support the structural optimization of digital asset trading ecosystem.
In this AMA, UltrAlpha CEO – Han Liu, and CMO – Christina Jin, joining us to answer questions from CryptoRank community.
Can you briefly introduce yourself to our community? What is your background and how did you come to the idea to create your project?
Christina Jin CMO
Sure! Let me briefly introduce myself, I majored in Accounting and Economics in college, and I graduated from New York University with a degree in Marketing. I once founded a cross-border e-commerce Haitao platform and has worked for Ogilvy & Mather, BMW. After entering the Blockchain field, I served as CMO at Ankr Network.The main goal of Band Protocol is to become the data layer for decentralized applications. So developers can focus on shipping applications and don’t need to worry about the integrity of data they rely on, all with strong economic incentives to all the parties involved.
Han Liu CEO
Of course. First of all, a bit on my background, I graduated from Carnegie Mellon University with a degree in CS. Right after college, I joined Wall Street, starting at the asset management giant Blackrock. Later on I also worked at AQR Capital Management for a few years, before joining the founding team of BitMax in 2018. A few months ago, we decided to start the UAT project. Currently I’m serving as CEO of UAT.The idea of UAT really took its root in my background in traditional asset management industry a few years in the Wall Street. We had been observing a lack of such an important role in the digitical currency, and I believe the trend in the development and adaptation of digitcal asset finance will only call for the demands of such a role, and we as UAT were set out to take a shot in filling this gap.
1) If any Investor wants to invest in any project, then how UltrAlpha is beneficial to investors? Which Benefits Ultralpha provides to investors? Is there any Minimum and Maximum investing limit in the UltrAlpha Platform?
Han Liu
investors will be able to leverage the profit making capabilities of the trading teams behind each product, and will have monthly profit distributions from the returns of their investment. Yes there are minimum and maximum investment amount for each proudct, and the numbers might vary based on the type of product. In additional, users of UAT platform will also have access to varoius reporting data on the prouducts, including PnL, risk metrics, distrubution history, etc. Investors will have great transparency into their investment.
2) How is team progress going on what is your next major milestone? On which country uat mainly focused any plans to expand and implement the uat ecosystem worldwide because uat concent needs to expand more after a successful concept implement then only your project will get hype and attention of every investor and institutes
Han Liu
We are on track of the milestones we layed out in the whitepaper, if not ahead. We have already secured 3 product launches, and attracted more than 2 million USDT of investments from our users. UAT is a global platform so we work with communities of all comunities where jurisdictions and regulations allow. Of course, strategically we will focus on communities that have strong potential as both investrors or trading teams.
3) How important is the connection between Ultralpha and Bitmax as I can see Sir George Cao – CEO of Bitmax usually goes with Ultralpha team in every AMA? What are the benefits does Bitmax as well as UltrAlpha receive in this connection?
Christina Jin
As the UAT econoomic model designer, Dr. Cao occationally join us for AMA with other communities to better explain the token metrics. Leveraging this strategic partnership, UAT have access to a large user base which provides client acquisition, and UAT provides the users on Bitmax.io with quality investment products, which fulfills their invesment needs. Han Liu
CEOFirst of all, George was the main designer of the UAT token economic model, and Bitmax is a strategic partner of UAT. Also as mentioned, I came from Bitmax as well. The benefits are definitely mutual: UAT leverages the connections of Bitmax to gain awareness in both 1) Potential Bitmax users as investors 2) Professional trading teams to potentially launch products on UAT . On the other hand, Bitmax will benefit from more users who register from UAT, and more trading volumes from trading teams who run prouducts on UAT, via Bitmax.
4) what exactly do you do, please give an example of your platform work, specifically. For example, I am an investor, I have $1 million, what advantage would I get if I used your investment platform?
Christina Jin
As a a third party service platform, UAT provides following serivce offerings to investors 1) conducts independent due diligence (“DD”) on asset management fund and publish DD result per request.
2) Provide wallet management service for each investment product to safeguardclient asset.3) Conduct fund performance audit and PL reporting for each investment product. 4) Investors can utilize and consume UAT token on the platform for any inquiry, transfer, redemption and other administrative operational services.
5) Can your team introduce some information about investment strategies that we see on Ultrapha website? Which potential digital asset is in your team aim right now?
Christina Jin
Sure let me give a brief intro, Alpha Pro team (the Team / Asset Manager) has built its market making strategy upon key volatility considerations. The Team have more than 20 trading parameters for tuning the strategy to adapt to a different market. To optimize the return, the strategy itself has a lot of risk control, built-in delta-neutral consideration, keeping overall trading positions low, stop loss and adjustable market sensitivity and automatic trading volume control.Feel free to go on to our website and check out the product info: https://ultralpha.io/#/home
6) The Ultralpha platform has no active functions, so why do you make Permanent Lock-up of 150 million UAT (30% of Total Supply)? How does it benefit the Ultralpha ecosystem?
Han Liu
There will be a lot of functionalites for consuming UAT tokens. We layed them out in the white paper, and are currently actively developing them onto the platform. The 150m lock up was not a rush decision. Since a while ago we’d been talking internally with presale investors on the token economics and the token supply, and had reached the decision that it makes more sense to pre-emptively reduce potential supply of the tokens. It benefits the ecosystem as a delayed delfation mechanism – reducing potential circulations to maintain token values.
7) Firstly, I want to say congrats to the UltrAlpha team for your successful IEO on Bitmax last month. I want to ask what products will you focus on next time between Alpha Pro – Market Making Strategy, Alpha Pro – Arbitrage Strategy and B-Tech? Which product of these 3 do you expect to gain first profit the most?
Han Liu
Thank you! UAT should not make investment advices on behalf of the trading teams, but you can see the historicl risk and returns of these products on the UAT website. Alpah Pro MM strategy will start running tomorrow, and after that you will be able to see daily return data on the product.
8) Where can we see ultralpha in 2020? When can we expect a working product? Which are the next significant updates/events of ultra alpha?
Christina Jin
As mentioned in wp, we are planning to launch 10 quality investment products by February 2020, comprehensive DD will be conducted on each investment product upon request and we will update info timely on our website to provide full transparency.
9) What is the comprehensive service offering of UAT platform to fund investors??
Han Liu
Quite a few: Daily investment profile update: return data, risk metrics, profit distribution and history, personal invement allocation, etc. Soon we will introduce more UAT token utilies as well, such as investment transfer, complex data queries, etc.
10) what is the key point which makes ultralpha coin different from others? What is the main mission of the ultralpha?
Christina Jin
Deflation is the core idea of the UAT token economics. In general, it provides strong support to the token price. There are many deflation methods:
A) Under the current initial phase with BitMax.io strategic partnership, for trading commission on BitMax.io, an average of 12 to13 thousand tokens are getting removed from circulation daily. In the long run, it would create support for the price.
b)10% of the profit from any listed products will be set aside. They will be used to purchase UAT tokens from the secondary market and removed from circulation. This is the most important part of the deflation mechanism. Imagine if the AUM increases to a significant level, the monthly deflation will be great.
11) What is your next plan to raise awareness as well as the consent of all investors in professional asset management?
Christina Jin
Since we believe the large demand already exists for our platform, we are confident to increase adoption by launching quality products on the service platform and demonstrate ourselves as a professional player by attracting organic awareness and adoption from both the investors and trading teams. We are now on track with the roadmap in whitepaper. And we will officially launch our first investment products tomorrow. Our next step is to bring more quality investment products on board while increasing awareness of our service platform.
Han Liu
We hope to achieve the following virtous cycle: Launch quatliy prouducts -> Attract more users to subscbie to prouducts -> Attract more quality trading teams with capital rasing needs -> More quality products attract more users to invest. To do this, it’s important that we build our platform right, to gain reputation and awareness in the industry.
12) What is the process/criteria to choose a quality project that will be listed on UltrAlpha platform and how can it avoid bad projects?
Han Liu
Good question. Our Due Dilligence (DD) process involves a few criteria: 1) Team background, both in experience and legal records 2) Gauging the validity of their strategies and their return data 3) Where applicable, we will also ask projects to test run their strategies with a small capital first. This is exactly what we did with Alpha Pro MM and Alpha Pro Arbitrage strategies. However, know that in crypto which lacks anything close a standand regulation framework, it’s impossible to preduct “bad” projects ahead of time. UAT team will do the best of our abilities to select the good ones for our investors.
Christina Jin
Firstly we will gather and review initial product information for decision to next step, then perform trading team due diligence (DD) and execute legal and compliance KYC review. There are number of factors we need to take into consideration when selecting investment products, for example trading team bachground, brief trading strategy, historical performance (MTD retun, volatility and Sharpe ratio)
13) You have recently completed your Alpha Pro subscription. Can you estimate how much demand for the products is now and how quickly the necessary funds have been raised?
Han Liu
We were quite pleasantly surprised with the demand of the Alpha Pro MM product. The prouduct hit the minium threshold of 500,000 USDT subscription with one hour, 1,000,000 within on the first day, and complted the 2,000,000 subscription a week ahead of the subscription closing window.
14) If investors decide to subscribe to the projects listed on your platform and those projects go bankrupt/runaway, do investors have any insurance/protection from UAT? How does Ultralpha ensure security?
Christina Jin
Security is always our priority, we safeguard client’s assets with separated hot and cold wallet setup, trading teams do not have rights to transfer or withdraw funds in trading account.
15) What are the possible risks you think a project like UltrAlpha might encounter and how do you solve it?
Han Liu
Good questions. Similar to traditional finance, there are a few major types of risk, to list a few 1) Counter-party risk. What if the trading teams go rogue? We manage this risk via the following: 1. Trading teams don’t have direct access to invetors assets. They only have trainding access. UAT will be the owner of the trading accounts, and can step in to take actions where we find necessary. 2) Operational risk. What if the platform has technical issues and affect users? UAT will have sepration between the platform itself and trading teams’ entities, so as to not have any platform issues affect the trading teams. And of course, we also put effort in building a robust platform.
16) Hello, UltrAlpha Team who is a really solid team I suppose! As I know you raised $2,000,000 for the project which is quite less than other blockchain projects like Tron or Zilliqa..etc.. and you surely need more cash for your long-term adventure. So my question is what your plan for a profit of the project in a long-term view, and what’s your strategy if you get to a low-funded state?
Christina Jin
Core profit mainly come from 2 parts 1. UAT charges a fixed monthly service from investment product teams, based on the size of their product. 2. We hope to only list quality products whose management teams have strong profit generating capabilities, so investors can benefit from investing in these products. We hope to attract more users’ investment with quality products, which in turn attracts more quality products to list on our platform. We hope to build and maintain such a virtuous cycle.
17) In whitepaper, you say that the token will be used in the development of the ecosystem and third-party services will be able to generate part of your income. When will this be implemented and who can be your partners?
Han Liu
Yes it’s stated clearly in the white paper that the 10% of the profit of each prouduct will be set aside to a 3rd party trader to purchase UAT tokens from secondary markets which will then be subject to permanent lock up. This is an essential part of the token economic model, which has a goal of maintening the token values to be in accordance with the developement of the UAT platform. In other words, instead of short term profits or even manipulative token prices, we hope to reward our UAT token investors by building our platform to be more successful, similar to traditional finance where values are reflected by the quatliy of prouducts delivered by the company. Sadly, this is not always the case in crypto industry, where lots of tokens don’t have inherent values, and investors more often than not end up paying for the tokens for nothing.
CryptoRank Team
Thanks you for the answers 🙂
We’are really pleased to host AMA with you!